In a league of its own

Seven schools on the islands formed by Hamburg's river Elbe have set up their own soccer league. Their teams of seventh and eighth graders have competed against each other since October. All proudly wearing the Mankiewicz logo on their own.

Mankiewicz regards it important we support local sports as well as social and school activities.

The "Elbinselliga" (Elbe islands league) project combines all three of these aspects in a fantastic flagship project. Seven secondary schools on the Elbe islands set up their own school soccer league this year, based on the American model.

One very special feature is that it's not just about youths playing a competitive sport: The pupils organize the entire competition, have the opportunity to become referees, organize the catering and do everything that is normally involved in arranging professional competitions.

When the league's organization team contacted us in spring 2023 and requested sponsorship, we did not hesitate in our decision to support this great project for young people in our immediate neighborhood.

The design of the soccer shirts was a particularly creative element. Each school each held its own internal design competitions to showcase the kit for their team. However, before it was possible to order the kit, each school needed a sponsor but Mankiewicz sponsored all seven schools. Problem solved!

We are delighted to be part of this project and feature so strikingly with our logo. The first winning team of the new league will be determined in the spring of next year. We wish all seven schools an exciting and fair competition.

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