NEXTEL meets Prague National Museum

How the NEXTEL paint system gives the Prague National Museum a special atmosphere

Our world is full of visual stimuli. Everywhere in everyday life we are confronted with (product-)designs and aesthetics. In order to be perceived at all in this flood of visuality, you have to create something extraordinary - this is especially true in design domains such as architecture, furniture construction or product design. In these areas, high-quality materials and fabrics play a central role, as do color worlds and design language, but above all functionality.

In terms of haptics and visual impact, surfaces take on important design functions. It is precisely for this purpose that Mankiewicz has developed NEXTEL Suede Coating, a coating system that can be used to achieve exceptionally matt surface effects. The Prague National Museum also appreciates these special properties of NEXTEL and has used it to give its two exhibitions "Miracles of Evolution" and "Windows to Prehistory" an unmistakable finish.

Revival experience with depth

The exhibition area of more than 2,700 m² with over 1,500 exhibits includes not only the smallest invertebrates such as fish, amphibians, reptiles or birds, but also impressive mammals that provide a wow moment. 

The two exhibitions are among the most modern in Europe. This is not only due to the concept and the exhibits themselves, but actually also to the surfaces with which the exhibits are presented. Thanks to the depth of the background, which is created by the varnish, the exhibit acquires enormous plasticity and stands out. This effect succeeds mainly due to the non-glare NEXTEL surface, which is created by special pigments in the varnish. This makes the exhibits appear almost alive.

Design meets functionality

If you look at the surfaces on which the exhibits are presented in the National Museum, you don't get the feeling that they are painted surfaces. The matte, suede-like texture is more reminiscent of a peach skin and actually feels as velvety. The warm and textile character of the NEXTEL lacquer thus gives the museum exhibition rooms an additional noble impression.

This is mainly due to the technical finesse of the lacquer - freely following the credo "form follows function". For example, the lacquered surface absorbs up to 98% of the incident light thanks to special color pigments and thus ensures little distraction. Due to the diffuse light reflection, the lacquered substrates appear glare-free, thus interference reflections do not occur.

Even if the area of application in the Prague National Museum seems unusual at first glance, the story shows how numerous the fields of application for NEXTEL can be. After all, the effects of the coating are not only a great advantage for exhibition showcases, but also a technical and aesthetic plus for fittings and displays in the automotive, railroad and aviation sectors. There are virtually no limits to the variety of colors, as individual shades can also be developed.

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