"Wi mook dat!"
Tackling together

Every Year the social day „Wi Mook Dat!” (“We make it happen!”) connects employees from various companies with social projects from Hamburg for one day. For the fifth time, Mankiewicz apprentices got involved in a project in the neighborhood of Wilhelmsburg as part of the social day. This year they switched from their desk, laboratory table or production facility to a hammer, nails, saw and paintbrush.
Jana (dual student of industrial engineering) and Lynn (apprentice as industrial clerk) took part of the event and reported: "We did build colorful garden furniture for the "Minitopia" project out of donated scaffolding planks. "Minitopia" sees itself as a "playground of urban self-sufficiency" for small and large urban children and is also a certified extracurricular learning site for sustainable development. Through Minitopia the site of an old truck shop has become a meeting space for everyone who wants to find out whether and how we can still be self-sufficient in the city with local resources and mutual support.
With a total of ten apprentices and our apprenticeship supervisor, we spent a day supporting the project from the Wilhelmsburg neighborhood, because for Mankiewicz it is a matter of the heart to support young people and the topic of sustainability. Participating in campaigns like "Wi mook dat!" also gives us the opportunity during our training to organize ourselves on our own responsibility and also to think outside the box in social projects.
In the past, Minitopia has already built raised beds, stands, tables, etc. out of donated scaffolding planks. Now it was to be a new craft challenge. We put this into practice by building various chairs and benches for the campfire site. With the aim of spicing up the built wooden furniture, we finally painted the furniture with coatings from Mankiewicz.
After the work assignment, we ended the day at a beach club next to the river Elbe with all the participating companies and social projects. In recognition of what had been achieved, the participants received a certificate there.
"Wi mook dat!"- a great initiative! We at Mankiewicz are already looking forward to next year's social day!"