„Wi mook dat!“
Mankiewicz apprentices lend a hand

Sometimes talking is not enough and topics need to be tackled head on – that is the thought behind the initiative “We mook dat!” ("We do it!”). For one day, employees swap their desks and workbenches for shovels and wheelbarrows in order to support a good cause.
The social day took place already for the 6th time, this year on 12 September. Once again we participated. Unlike in other companies and following our tradition, the Mankiewicz team exclusively consists of apprentices, who are accompanied by two colleagues from the HR department. A total of twelve young talents spent a day campaigning for a project. The focus of this year’s day of action was wildlife conservation. Since commitment to sustainability (especially in the neighborhood) is a matter that is very near to Mankiewicz, our apprentices went to an orchard meadow in Wilhelmsburg. Taking part in initiatives such as "We mook dat!" provides our junior colleagues with an opportunity during their apprenticeship to independently organize themselves. Moreover and above all, it allows them to look beyond their horizon by engaging in social and environmental projects together.
This orchard meadow at Jakobsberg is run by the Altenwerder trust of the German Association for Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND). This trust buys and takes over near-natural areas in order to promote biodiversity there. In particular, habitats for animals and plants that were destroyed by the construction of the container terminal in Altenwerder are to be improved or replaced elsewhere.
In order to preserve this biodiversity in the future, our apprentices helped plant new fruit trees and dug holes for fall varieties to be planted later on. Our junior colleagues also made us of the loppers: Some trees received a regular pruning, while the groves bordering the orchard meadow were trimmed back. At the same time, farmland belonging to the site was conditioned to create a new habitat for endangered animals and those that might not even be noticed at first glance.
In total, more than 200 employees from twelve companies participated in this year’s "We mook dat!" day. After work, everyone came together at a beach club on the Elbe. In recognition of their efforts, they were awarded a certificate. For E. Barsch, a 1st-year apprentice as Coating Lab Technician, it was the perfect end to the day: "The nice conversations with colleagues and the presentation of the certificate were really awesome – a beautiful finish."
The colleagues involved were very pleased with the results as well as the day. M. Pulss, a 1st-year apprentice as Chemicals Production Specialist, particularly emphasized the sense of community: "It was a really great day. We truly got a lot done. Moreover, working in a team was absolutely fun." J. Witt who has just started his apprenticeship as Chemicals Production Specialist added: "It was nice to do something together with other apprentices outside the company - and then it was for a good cause as well. We were allowed to organize ourselves in part and distribute work. That was nice. It was also great to get in touch with other participating companies at the end of the day."
"Wi mook dat!" – a great initiative! We at Mankiewicz are already looking forward to next year's day of action.