Hamburg's best employers
We are one of them

Award ceremony for "Safety, Trust, Performance, Innovation"
As part of the "Hamburg's Best Employers " competition, the company received an award in the category "Safety, Trust, Performance, Innovation".
Mankiewicz has already received several awards as an employer in the past, for example for outstanding training or with a ranking among the top 100 most innovative companies in Germany. Among other things, Mankiewicz was awarded the seal of approval "Hamburg's best employer brand" by the Institute for Management and Economic Research (IMWF). In addition, an evaluation of the external impact on potential applicants and the public was evaluated using company-independent online presences and comments in social networks. This time, the employees themselves had their say and evaluated Mankiewicz as an employer from an internal perspective.
Whether viewed from the outside or the inside - the results were consistently positive in both cases. Around 30 employees took part in the audit, including former trainees, employees from the individual departments, managers and the management. The exploratory interviews were then scientifically evaluated. The auditors were particularly impressed by the motivation of the Mankiewicz employees: "There is an enormous will and willingness to perform throughout. The willingness to assume responsibility at the respective workplaces and not simply to work through processes is particularly evident."
As a committed employer, Mankiewicz attaches great importance to satisfied employees. Excellent training, versatile company sports programs, the excellent canteen, social commitment or the StadtRad station are good examples of this. The current award shows that this commitment has an impact and is well received by employees. In addition, the good rating of the employees is also a positive signal in the direction of future employees and skilled workers of the Mankiewicz company. After all, who would not want to work in a company where safety and trust are a matter of course - and performance and innovation guarantee the jobs of tomorrow.
Thank you very much, only your great performance makes this rating possible.
Your human resources department